Dedicated Server

Vital Resources for Ultra-High-Frequency Trading and Copy Trading
TradingLab Is Prepared to Support the Most Advanced Algorithmic Trader

Utilize our specialized server solutions, positioned in key financial data centers, to unlock the advantages of minimal latency and swift transaction speeds for your forex trading endeavors.

Which Traders Benefit from Using a Dedicated Server?

Position Trading

Execute times in the minute to hour range

Traditional Algorithmic Trading

Execution times in the second to minute range
>VPS may help on some execution

Medium-Frequency Trading

Execution times in the millisecond to second range
>VPS recommended

Low-Latency Trading

Execution times in the millisecond range
>Higher performance VPS recommended

Ultra-High-Frequency Trading

Sub-millisecond execution times
>Dedicated server recommended

Copy/Social Trading

For signal/master traders and their copiers, who are often located in various parts of the world, utilizing a VPS ensures a stable and reliable connection.
>VPS or Dedicated Server recommended depending on trading or operational type

Benefits of Using a Dedicated Server

Lower Latency

Dedicated servers can be strategically located near trade servers or exchanges, reducing transmission time and ensuring faster trade execution essential in HFT.

Increased Reliability

With dedicated resources, these servers provide a more stable environment for trading, minimizing downtime and potential trade disruptions.

Enhanced Security

Dedicated servers offer improved security features, protecting sensitive trading data and algorithms from unauthorized access or cyber threats.

Greater Control

Traders have full control over their server environment, allowing for customized configurations and installations tailored to their specific trading needs.


As trading strategies evolve and computational demands grow, dedicated servers can be easily upgraded to meet these increasing requirements.

Dedicated Resources

Unlike shared hosting, a dedicated server ensures that all resources are exclusively available to your trading applications, preventing performance issues due to shared load.

Improved Performance

The exclusive use of server resources ensures optimal performance for trading applications, crucial for algorithms that require high-speed data processing.

24/7 Operation

Dedicated servers can run continuously, allowing traders to participate in markets around the clock without the need for local hardware to be constantly operational.

Price Plan

Choose the plan that best fits your needs and budget.

DS Basic Plan
120GB SSD storage
Quad-core 3.4GHz CPU
Standard Network Card
Options for dual operating systems
Payment Terms: Monthly or Annual
Contact Sales
DS Standard Plan
240GB SSD storage
Quad-core 3.4GHz CPU
Standard Network Card
Options for dual operating systems
Payment Terms: Monthly or Annual
Contact Sales
DS Enhanced Plan
Hexa-core 3.5GHz CPU
Backup Network Cards
Options for dual operating systems
Payment Terms: Monthly or Annual
Contact Sales
DS Premium Plan
64GB or 128GB RAM
Single 18-core 2.1GHz CPU
Dual 10GB Network Card
Options for dual operating systems
Payment Terms: Monthly or Annual
Contact Sales
DS Professional Plan
4 x 960GB SSDs
Dual 18-core 2.3GHz CPUs
Dual 10GB Network Card or Solarflare options
Options for dual operating systems
Payment Terms: Monthly or Annual
Contact Sales
DS Enterprise Plan
192GB to 768GB RAM
6 x 960GB SSDs
Dual 18-core 2.3GHz CPUs
Dual 10GB Network Card or Solarflare options
Options for dual operating systems
Payment Terms: Monthly or Annual
Contact Sales

TradingLab is not affiliated with TradingView, Inc. Additionally, MetaTrader 4®, MetaTrader 5®, MT4®, and MT5® are registered trademarks of MetaQuotes Software Corp., with which TradingLab has no association. Moreover, TradingLab has no connections to any other platforms referenced on our website, nor to any broker-dealers or introducing brokers (IBs). TradingLab does not receive any form of financial rebates, commissions, or compensation and operates purely as a software development company.

CxS Hong Kong is a registered company in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), with its address at Unit 705 7/F Metro Centre II, 21 Lam Hing Street Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

CxS China is a registered company in the People's Republic of China (PRC), with its address at RM702, 2 F2 ZhongXun International Training Center, Yanmei RD 268, Yantian District, Shenzhen, China.

CxS Korea is a registered company in the Republic of Korea, with its address at Rm 806 8/F, 16, Pangyoyeok-ro 192 beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea.

TradingLab is operated and managed by CxS Holdings.

Bangedge is operated and managed by CxS Holdings.